Sunday, May 19, 2013

Day 21 on the Fast Metabolism Diet - 5/19/13

It's day 21 - woohoo!  I am truly counting down the days now.  Don't get me wrong, this has been a wonderful learning experience that I plan to incorporate into my life, but I just want to have some frozen yogurt with cookie dough!  I'm looking forward to Monday, May 27th, but not looking forward to the stomach ache I'll have that very next day LOL!  I will try my best to eat in moderation on the 27th, but it is not guaranteed!  And then, back on the plan - eating clean and often throughout the day, working out and having a little treat every once in awhile!

Sunday's are when I run to the store for the week's groceries.  I'm getting better at having various foods in the house at all times and I have a better handle of what we need for the recipes.  One irritation I continue to have is the limitation of foods at the grocery stores in the suburbs!  Super Target is getting better with their variety of organic foods, but there is not a single sprouted grain tortilla in this burb!  I'll make another trip out to the co-op later this week so we are prepared for next weekend - though I'm unsure how much more of avocado quesadilla everyone will be up for!  It is good though!  And, I want to pick up some almond flour as I've acquired a few gluten free baking recipes I want to try out in a couple weeks, when I plan to add sugar (or honey) back into my diet. 

Morning Weigh In:
Kiana: 152.4 lbs
Anthony:  Didn't weigh in


Breakfast @ 8:30am:
Oatmeal with blueberries, egg with peppers

Snack @ 12pm:
Cauliflower and hummus

Lunch @ 2:30pm:

Subway salad

Snack @ 4:30pm:
Egg with peppers

Dinner @ 7:30pm:

Avocado quesadilla

P90X Stretch DVD

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